#TGIF-birthday present


It all begins with an idea.

This is my usual ๐Ÿ’ฌ job searching day, ๐Ÿšด๐Ÿผ my career step, Coach USA bus arrives from Main St. In Goshen NY, at 7:56 am if is not huge traffic, but usually it is. At 9:36 am, I am already in port authority bus ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿป terminal. No actually yesterday it was really good and unusual!

This is my usual ๐Ÿ’ฌ job searching day, ๐Ÿšด๐Ÿผ my career step, Coach USA bus arrives from Main St. In Goshen NY, at 7:56 am if is not huge traffic, but usually it is. At 9:36 am, I am already in port authority bus ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿป terminal. No actually yesterday it was really good and unusual!

โ€œ#tgif - birthday #TimeSquare memoryโ€™s:โ€
โ€” Smirnov Ruslan

#tgif - birthday #TimeSquare memory's: #tgif itโ€™s was a memorable experience to be #staked in a #manhattannyc in such weather, 5 hours in #portauthorityny same time in a #coachusabus, #tgifriday home ๐Ÿก sweet home, happy ๐Ÿ˜† birthday ๐ŸŽ memorable!

โ€œThank YOU ๐Ÿ’Œ you a creative, ๐Ÿ’ธ challenge: โ€
โ€” Smirnov Ruslan
Cyber Monday Times square #challenge

Cyber Monday Times square #challenge

I really like this rainy๐Ÿ autumn weather, red, yellow,๐Ÿ’ or still green colors of creative wet leaves after the rain. But not if you are at the busy, dirty, wet forever in a hurry, Manhattan NY

โ€œThankYOU #creativeFITBIT for next #challenge ThankYOU #creativeFITBIT for next #challenge .โ€
โ€” Smirnov Ruslan

Regular, Thank You letter to my #creativerecruiter: Itโ€™s already a regular story, as the usual answer of #creative #recruiter: โ€œ Itโ€™s already a regular story, as the usual answer of #creative #recruiter: โ€œ Usual #creativephoto, or video at NY #TimeSquareโ€ฆ

โ€œRegular, Thank You letter to my #creativerecruiter: Itโ€™s already a regular story, as the usual answer of #creative #recruiter: โ€œ Itโ€™s already a regular story, as the usual answer of #creative #recruiter: โ€œ Usual #creativephoto, or video at NY #TimeSquareโ€ฆ โ€
โ€” Smirnov Ruslan

Thank Manhattan NY, for this birthday winter challenge :

My Birthday BlackFri_day  #deal

My Birthday BlackFri_day #deal

#tgif itโ€™s was a #memorable #experience to be #staked in a #manhattannyc in such weather, 5 hours in#portauthorityny same time in a #coachusabus, #tgifriday home ๐Ÿก sweet home, happy ๐Ÿ˜† birthday ๐ŸŽ memorable!

โ€œWhat is your #creativity for this BlackFri_day #naked_cow boy and girl #career #change #deal?โ€